
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What Is Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing is an advertising strategy that bridging people to pass on a
marketing message to their relatives and friends. It is called as such because of
its similarity to an epidemic that easily spreads out, with an exponential growth,
once an individual gets “infected.” The concept of viral marketing, which is
passing along a message, has been around for a long time now, even for

There was just no specific name for it until 1997 when Steve
Jurvetson, a venture capitalist, came up with the term “viral marketing” to
describe Hotmail’s marketing practice then. Hotmail’s practice was to append an advertisement of itself on each message that is sent using their service. When a recipient gets interested and clicks on the ad, it will lead to Hotmail’s website for him to signup. This will go on and on, and the growth is similar to an exponential curve.

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In early days, e-mail was the one way that viral marketing was started. Since
then, viral marketing has taken centre stage of online business. And there are
many ways to accomplish the objective of creating a successful viral marketing
campaign. To list some of them :-

E-mail: It was first but it is still around and still used. It is, however, getting a little
harder to use as more and more government restrictions are placed on it. Still…
it does work.

Newsletters: This is an extension of e-mail but it a very effective tool. If you
include enough timely and valuable information, a good newsletter can drive up
the number of visits to your website.

Blogging: Providing the tools on your website to enable bloggers to interact with
one another is a terrific way to get the message about your product of service out
there and being talked about. Bloggers have their ears to the ground for new
products and services.

Chat Rooms: A chat room on your website can and does encourage interaction
among your customers and that can’t be a bad thing. Also, you can use the chat
room to schedule special events like having an expert available to answer
questions on a given day at a given time.

Tell-a-friend Script: If you add this with a statement saying that e-mail
addresses supplied will never be shared with third parties, you can increase your
potential customer list greatly.

Video Clips: Including cool video clips on your website will keep the interest up
and increase traffic.

Flash Games: Although they are a little costly to start, they are an extremely
effective tool to get your viral marketing campaign going. Once they are
launched, they require nothing more from you.

ebooks: With a marketing E-book you can present your story in an effective way
and include links to your web sales pages. Your E-book can become your best

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